Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

A disruptive vision, technology and IP:
Everybody Rise to the Top
Vision, New Technology and IP:
The new field of "Planetary Success" Technologies

Become a sustainable, healthier and more prosperous world that includes everyone...
Without revolutions, migrations or attacking elites
Problems, Challenges, Solutions

Fossil fuel emissions remain high. Chronic diseases and Inequality continue. The world's big problems are not being solved.
For example, to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, by 2030 "we have to slash emissions by about 45 percent" — except fossil fuel emissions keep growing.
We have never experienced a sustainable, healthy and prosperous planet that includes everyone. We have never even known how to build this.
To solve our problems, billions of people must elevate to sustainable food, energy, housing, transportation, consumption and health. Our ability to lift everyone takes a disruption of today's world..

The real value of innovation is to solve the biggest problems, and lift humanity to its next stage — Planetary Success. These innovations are rare but they transform billions of lives by growing the world's abilities and prosperity.
Where will we get the vision and technology to overcome today's limited lives, the climate crisis, and become a Universally Successful and sustainable planet that includes everyone?
Imagine history's first universally successful planet. It improves lives in real-time all day long, lifting everyone. Billions of people choose their goals and use humanity's combined abilities, devices and resources every day.
The Expandiverse is a new kind of virtual layer that makes everyone Digitally Wealthy, so we can all improve our opportunities and the planet. This runs on existing devices as well as new VR-AR-XR, so it's available now.
With today's devices, networks and businesses everyone can use these new planetary success technologies. This decade's unavoidable crises can produce new levels of positive growth by both companies and people.
HOW DO YOU COMPARE TO THE WORLD'S Top 5 Competitors — Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft
Expandiverse IP Alters Multiple Markets: Five Competitive Analyses

Will your company survive the world's giant competitors — Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft?
Here are five of the industries where Expandiverse IP disrupts your biggest competitors.
The Expandiverse adds new “people-first” technology that empowers every person to improve their life and the planet. Its new virtual layer adds new abilities, protections and Digital Wealth. Technology, devices and businesses will work for people, instead of people serving companies.
The company(ies) that owns and runs this will maximize its strategic position, ecosystem, revenues and profits as it reshapes its industries, improves lives and empowers everyone to fix the world.

Everyone Controls E-Commerce
Telecoms, Video Conferencing, Online Events, Life and Work
Phones, Tablets, Laptops, PC’s, Wearables, etc.
Digital Advertising
From Customer-Centered to Customer-Controlled
Privacy and Protections
Consumers and People Choose, and Get That Privately
Available on Request
Contact Liquidax to make a request
example: DISRUPT THE ENERGY INDUSTRY at personal, INDUSTRY and global scales
Industry Example: ESG* Solutions Platform Improves Lives, Includes Everyone and Solves Big Problems
This keynote speech opened a 2-day ESG conference by U.S. utilities, the industry that produces 25% of U.S. Greenhouse gas emissions
An ESG Roadmap and Strategy to Grow ESG Leaders
As the climate crisis forces your company to act, how will you use your transformation as a growth opportunity that increases revenues, profits and social good?
This keynote's two-stage ESG roadmap uses the Expandiverse Real World Metaverse to add a strategic virtual layer that:
- First it increases revenues and profits by adding a real-time ESG Solutions Platform
- Second it grows that real-time ESG Solutions Platform worldwide by helping other companies deliver their ESG Solutions in real-time to people and companies who want to end the climate crisis
- It helps kick-start an ESG Solutions Economy with your company in a leading role, to pursue a corporate market value as large as a leading energy company
This digital expansion could deliver Universal ESG Success to everyone personally and privately on their existing devices, in their hand. This ESG Solutions Platform(s) enables every business to deliver its ESG Solutions personally and privately, worldwide.
Opening Keynote: Will ESG Utilities become the Energy Companies of the Future?
Email speaking requests to Dan Abelow at danabelow@expandiverse.com
Patent Citations by Experts Who Know Cutting-Edge Technology
One-third of the Expandiverse's 1,759 patent citations — 635 citations — are by 20 leading tech companies
U.S. Patent Examiners' most cited IP in 2017

In 2017 U.S. Patent Examiners cited Expandiverse IP more than any other when they reviewed new patent applications, which stopped others from re-patenting previous technology.
Why? The U.S. Patent Office is where new technology is judged and certified as an invention. These examiners' frequent and continued citations limits other patent applicants from getting patents they would like, on what the Expandiverse already filed.
Which 20 tech leaders cited this 635 times?

What does big tech's R&D do? They invest billions to patent and buy (acquire) the IP they need to lead tomorrow's digital-first planet. When they cite technology that's in their bullseye, they cite Expandiverse IP (Intellectual Property) again and again.
The average patent is cited just 3 to 6 times in its 20-year life. Out of every million patents, only 100 patents are cited more than 100 times. The Expandiverse is already 17X larger than that elite group.
New people-decided capitalist "system": Lifts people, companies and planet

Roadmap for this Decisive Decade in the Climate Crisis
If we start the sustainable Expandiverse Metaverse, how could every person and the planet use this virtual layer to start rising to sustainable prosperity within a decade?
New technology, IP and the Real World Metaverse™

Demonstration application: ESG Personal Solutions Platform

We are already more advanced than many of us know.
Expandiverse Metaverse IP has already been cited 1,759 times: 318 of these patent citations (1/6th of the total) are by Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, Samsung and Microsoft.
One-third of these patent citations are by 20 of tech’s largest companies
Will a people-first economy surpass the corporate economy?
An independent creative, Dan Abelow's previous patents were licensed by 550 companies that include Apple, Google and Microsoft. His lifetime IP has been cited 4,100 times.
His latest vision is to elevate everyone, with capitalist companies profiting by helping Everybody Rise.
In 1981 Microsoft DOS Operating System ran Computers. In 2005 Android's OS ran Phones. Now a virtual Metaverse OS will let every person run the World by privately delivering the Personal Solutions each person chooses across their connected devices and digital steps. Everyone could rise to the top without attacking elites, migrations or revolutions.
People-First Solutions Businesses can deliver unlimited prosperity by helping every person reach their goals sustainably, personally and privately. This comes from an ESG Personal Solutions Metaverse that helps every person rise to the top in years, not generations.
Tech-based societies live in a digital reality designed and managed by tech's giant platforms. This benefits the platforms without solving the world's problems.
Instead, each person could take digital control and use their online-first life to make this an ESG planet that assists them, while they also help solve the world's problems.
Instead of continuing old and obsolete mistakes, it is time to digitally empower and help every person rise all day long.
What happens if we start Everybody RISE, deliver universal Digital Wealth and convert to an ESG Personal Solutions Metaverse? We can become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
This Real World Metaverse starts a once-in-human-history rise to a fully "online world" that turns the physical planet toward Digital Wealth for everyone. With the Expandiverse Metaverse everyone can improve their life every day, while making this a healthy, prosperous and sustainable world that includes everyone.
This Expandiverse IP helps solve every company's biggest Metaverse problem: There is likely to be ONE "winner take all" Metaverse. Instead, the Real World can be the Metaverse for most companies and people. Soon, this Real World Metaverse™ may be the world both people and businesses choose to live in.
Timeline to Switch the World from Problems to Solutions

Prove solutions in 1 to 3 years, then scale economy-wide in 5 to 10 years

Expandiverse Technology was created to improve billions of lives in years, rather than generations. Its Real World Metaverse™ is a new kind of "system change technology" that raises everyone to the top. This new technology has already been cited 1,759 times. One-third of these citations are by 20 of tech's leading companies.
This is the decade to leap to humanity's next stage — a sustainable, healthy and universally successful planet — by proving an ESG Personal Solutions Metaverse in a few years. Then in a decade it can be digitally scaled, perhaps growing 10X per year, perhaps by being applied by billion-user platforms so it has global impact sooner. Either way, this new way of thinking about humanity's combined abilities will eventually empower billions of people to improve their lives every day, while fixing the world.
These personal and private daily decisions could drive a new ESG Personal Solutions Metaverse that produces a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
New technology, the lever that changes the world every decade

Is "system change" a realistic goal? In the 1960's, the "Space Race" changed the world. In less than 10 years an American walked on the moon. New technologies were created to accomplish this, and they led the world for decades.
Today's dominance of product search, and the accelerating rise of e-commerce, prove that our everyday digital choices direct the real world. Next, a Real World Metaverse will prove that people-first tech will empower every person to use their digital decisions to improve their lives and fix the real planet.
Within years the daily decisions of billions of people could choose better lives on a healthy and sustainable planet. When people can choose, billions will switch from our non-sustainable economy to an online-first ESG Personal Solutions Economy and Metaverse — a virtual layer where each person runs the virtual, digital and physical worlds.
That's the mission of Expandiverse IP, to create, deliver and empower universal personal success on a people-first planet where everyone's choices elevate themselves and the real world every day.
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.