Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

Metaverse Roadmap

Dan Abelow,
Independent Creative
550 licensees of Dan's previous patents
4,100 citations of Dan's patent filings

About the Inventor
Proofs of Business Value
Metaverse Citations by Innovation's Experts
Switch the World Economy to the Metaverse
A Decade of Metaverse Creativity
Next Step
About the Inventor
Abelow self-funded and privately created new Expandiverse "system change technology" because it is clear that our "system" grows the climate crisis, failed to prepare for the Covid-19 pandemic or vaccinate it worldwide, and continues global problems like inequality, chronic diseases and the unmet needs of disadvantaged people everywhere.
Today's problems are bigger than the abilities of governments, corporations, international organizations and philanthropies. That's because many of the problems are caused by "the system."
Dan's goal is to help improve today's "system" before its breaks us. These advances are rare, but they raise the abilities and prosperity of billions.
Why? After he sold his previous patent portfolio Abelow had to decide whether to retire, or bet it all on a decades-long project to solve humanity's biggest challenges.
The Expandiverse is Dan Abelow's latest IP. His lifetime inventions have been cited 4,100 times, and his previous patents were licensed by over 550 companies. Dan holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.
The Expandiverse is a disruptive "system change" invention that corporate R&D and profit-first investors did not fund while Dan created the Expandiverse. As a result, the Expandiverse is self-funded. This gave Dan the freedom to decide the best "system," which puts people-first, delivers universal success, and raises everyone to the top.
While capitalism remains "the system," the Expandiverse is designed to produce different results than the inequality it produces today.

Dan Abelow has never sued anyone for patent infringement.
His name was connected to some patent infringement lawsuits filed by others. Abelow sold his previous patent portfolio in 2004 to an Intellectual Ventures company who licensed many leading companies. Intellectual Ventures divested these patents to companies that used their patent ownership to license more companies, and they sued some companies for patent infringement. Their lawsuits named the "Abelow patents" that they owned, and they filed the lawsuits.
Dan Abelow is a tech creator who has never sued anyone for patent infringement.
Proven Creator of Commercially Useful and Valuable Technology
Patented technologies Dan created have gone into wide use
Previous patents have over 550 licensees

Many of the licensees on the left are tech's leading companies. Those on the right include some of the world's best known brands.
In 2004 Abelow sold his entire patent portfolio to an Intellectual Ventures company. They licensed many leading companies. Then in 2009, Intellectual Ventures divested this portfolio to Webvention and Lodsys, who licensed more companies. In total, over 550 companies licensed patents from this portfolio.
Abelow has never sued anyone for patent infringement. Later owners of Abelow's previous patents used them, as their patents, to file patent infringement lawsuits.
An example previous patent licensed by over 200 companies

Does Abelow innovate in broadly useful ways? Here is an invention you use all day long in many parts of your life.
You constantly use 1-on-1 communications in personal alerts and messages through your phone, apps, smart voice speakers, computers and smart IoT devices (Internet of Things devices).
Abelow invented the first patent and IP family that described these 2-way personal interactions during the use of products and services. These Abelow patents have been licensed over 200 times and cited more than 2,000 times.
Expandiverse Metaverse Citations by Experts Who Know Cutting-Edge Technology
One-third of the Expandiverse's 1,759 citations — 635 citations — are by 20 tech leaders
U.S. Patent Examiners' most cited IP in 2017

The U.S. Patent Office is where new technology is judged and certified as a real innovation. Patent examiners cite the technology that is first, to prevent new applicants from re-patenting existing inventions.
What happens when new applicants try to patent what the Expandiverse created first? In 2017 U.S. patent examiners cited Expandiverse IP more than any other Intellectual Property when they reviewed new patent applications.
Tech leaders cite the Expandiverse repeatedly

What does big tech's R&D do? Its leading companies invest billions to create and patent the technologies they will need to lead tomorrow's digital economy. When they cite technology that's in their bullseye, they cite Expandiverse IP (Intellectual Property) again and again.
The average patent is cited just 3 to 6 times. Out of every million patents, only 100 patents are cited more than 100 times. The Expandiverse's 1,759 citations are already 17X larger than that elite group, and its citations are led by tech leaders.
A New Option: An ESG Personal Solutions Metaverse Economy that is Led by People
New "VISIBLE Hand of the Market" replaces "inequality capitalism"
Today's "inequality capitalism" still reflects Adam Smith's "INVISIBLE hand of the market" from his 1776 milestone work, The Wealth of Nations. The "invisible hand" proposes that the best interest of society, as a whole, is fulfilled by free market supply and demand.
The Expandiverse evolves capitalism to a "people-decided VISIBLE hand of the market." Each person chooses their goals and controls what is visible across their devices. This creates People-First Capitalism because responsive companies that help people reach their goals are visible. These companies deliver the world people choose as their goals, and drive a people-led ESG Personal Solutions Economy.
People-First Capitalism is simple. If a company does not help a person reach their goals, the company is digitally invisible to that person.
Monopoly companies have high costs because they are built to serve the whole market. If 5%, 15% or 25% of their markets leave them, they are no longer profitable and their market value will crash.
Thus, people-first companies could take market share and win the biggest corporate market values. In addition, people-first employees want to include everyone, and deliver improving lives and societies, so a company's people-first attitudes can decide the talent war as well as market shares.
In People-First Capitalism companies still sell the products and earn the profits, but for the first time in history, people will set the the goals they want and believe are right, and decide the world that is produced.

Today's system ignores crucial goals that people want, like ending the climate crisis, health, economic inclusion and diversity.
Goals like health, sustainability, prosperity and inclusion could be visibility requirements for trillions of dollars in transactions. If this makes people-first companies the world's most powerful economic forces, they can also change politics.
Companies that continue destroying the planet can be shown only enough data to make them change. Companies that join this people-first economy will know what it takes to sell the products and lives wanted, so they can grow their market share — while each person's privacy is protected and the surveillance economy ended.
Resources to Grow the Expandiverse's People-First Metaverse World
We are more advanced than you know, finally able to leap ahead to universal success... and deliver the world's best choices to everyone personally

E-Books and Articles
Imagine a planet of universally successful and prosperous people. Billions grow every minute, advance every day, reach for their dreams. And achieve them.

Keynotes, Briefings and Webinars
Open your mind about every person and company doing a breakaway and taking the lead. That's how everyone learns to lead, and with the speed of innovation, learns how to lead again and again.
When everyone is a leader the world's decisions will be made by you, consumers and business's employees. Then every person and business can be a positive force who helps solve the climate crisis, health and prosperity.

How can people and companies leap ahead and lead a People-First Digital Earth? See some of these paradigm shifts in these Expandiverse videos.

Roadmaps for Rising
What if a roadmap shows your company how to take the lead by connecting with every consumer and building a private and personal relationship that excludes your competitors?
What if you realize that if you decide to wait and see, your competitor can use this to build private relationships with entire markets, and lock out your company.

Technical Guides: 14-Volume Series
How can you build faster and monetize sooner? Here's the 14-volume Expandiverse IP Library to build the Real World Metaverse.
Two PDFs are available as free downloads. The other volumes and series are private resources that are only available on request. Contact us if you are interested.

A number of websites have been developed over the years, to communicate parts of this new journey to a people-first planet:
Winner-take-all tech platforms disrupt industries. But that "system" grows humanity's biggest problems like the climate crisis, inequality and health. The solution proposes a new paradigm where every person decides the "system's" goals, and their personal digital environment assists them in reaching the goals.
The Expandiverse's solutions empower every person and company. Always-on connections enhance consumers, vendors, employees, suppliers and logistics. The world’s "next best steps" and best abilities are at everyone’s fingertips.
Everybody can rise to the top on a planet where everyone can be world-class all the time.
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.