Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
A historic new direction:
Everybody to the Top
Become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable world that includes everyone
Problem, Challenge, Solution
To stay under a 1.5 degree temperature rise, we must decarbonize 46% of the world economy by 2030.
That must include people. How will billions of people decarbonize 46% of their daily lives by 2030, including their food, energy, housing, transportation, clothes and products?
Corporate and government climate plans do not include changing billions of personal decisions every minute, at world scale. Failure to include everyone and their decisions could risk investments.
We have never experienced a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone. We have never known how to build this.
To facilitate decarbonizing the world, billions of people need solutions in years, not generations.
If the world does not start this by 2023 to 2025, it cannot scale to billions of people by 2030. Even if governments and corporations change, we will all need to decarbonize countless daily decisions.
The real value of innovation is to solve our biggest problems, and to advance humanity to its next stage.
This new Expandiverse Technology has already been cited 1,628 times. It enables a new personal operating system, the Real World Metaverse™ and universal Digital Wealth. It flips society's pyramid without attacking elites, migrations or revolutions.
Everybody RISE, its demonstration platform, connects billions of daily decisions with new ESG solutions that will be developed and delivered by businesses and governments. Trillions of dollars in planned sustainability investments are at risk without it. Their success is accelerated by it.
Just in time, this is how to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
A Real Demonstration Project Shows the Opportunities
New technology, IP, operating system and Real World Metaverse™
Demonstration application: ESG Personal Solutions Economy
Roadmap for this Decisive Decade in the Climate Crisis
Include and lift billions of people to sustainable prosperity in years, not decades
We are already more advanced than many of us know.
Expandiverse IP has already been cited 1,628 times. 302 of these patent citations (1/6th of the total) are from Amazon, Google, Apple, IBM, Samsung and Microsoft.
An independent creative, Dan Abelow's previous patents were licensed by 550 companies that include Apple, Google, Samsung and Microsoft. His lifetime IP has been cited 4,100 times.
The Expandiverse is a new kind of "system change technology." It produces a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that helps everyone rise to the top without revolutions, migrations or attacking elites.
Capitalism can deliver unlimited value by helping every person reach their goals personally, privately and sustainably. This can grow an ESG Personal Solutions Economy that helps every person rise to the top.
Tech-based societies live in a digital reality designed by tech's giant platforms. This benefits the platforms without solving the world's problems.
Instead, each person could take digital control and use their digital empowerment to make this an ESG world that works for them and includes all of us.
Instead of continuing the last century's mistakes, it is time to digitally empower and assist everyone all day long.
By starting universal Digital Wealth and an ESG Personal Solutions Economy, we can become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
Roadmap Contents: How to Raise Every Person and Community
Technology improves one person's life in many ways. Next, it will improve connected communities and societies by making every person world class. Then billions of people could help solve the world's problems — health, inequality and sustainability — by the 2030 climate crisis deadline.
If we reach 2030 and billions of people are still living non-sustainable fossil fueled lives, then new climate policies and corporate green initiatives will not be enough.
These Roadmap pages let you skim Expandiverse Technology and its demonstration project Everybody RISE. These show how we can transformation to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone. By 2030 we could have an ESG Personal Solutions Economy that assists everyone worldwide.
These pages' titles and images can be skimmed with rapid browsing. Each section's information is optional, for those who want to know more.
The Expandiverse's Great RISE starts affordably. A series of proofs of concepts use the familiar design process of roadmaps, user research, design thinking, frequent user tests, MVP's (Minimum Viable Products), scalable prototypes and iterations — to develop proven personal solutions that can be delivered and grown to 10X more users each year.
With digitial exponential growth, real-time personal solutions can empower millions and then billions of people. These self-chosen improvements will compel companies to evolve from delivering problems to providing a safe, healthy and sustainable economy for both people and the planet.
Mission: Switch the World from Problems to Solutions
Expandiverse Technology was created to improve billions of lives in years, rather than generations. This Real World Metaverse™ is a new kind of "system change technology" that raises everyone to the top. This new technology has already been cited 1,628 times.
This is the time to leap to humanity's next stage — a sustainable, healthy and universally successful planet — by proving an ESG Solutions Platform by 2022 to 2025. Then by 2030 it can be digitally scaled, perhaps growing 10X per year, until it assists billions of people a day in improving their lives. These personal decisions will drive a new ESG Personal Solutions Economy.
Is this a realistic goal? In the 1960's, the "Space Race" changed the world. In less than 10 years an American walked on the moon. New technologies were created to accomplish this, and they led the world for decades.
In the 2020's we need A Great Rise to change the world again. The companies and organizations that lead this might lead the world for decades.
About the Inventor
Abelow self-funded and privately created new Expandiverse "system change technology" because it is clear that our "system" causes the climate crisis, failed at preparing for the Covid-19 pandemic, and continues problems like inequality, global chronic diseases and diversity. As we face big challenges, Dan's is creating new ways to fix our "system" before it breaks us.
The Expandiverse is Dan Abelow's latest IP. His lifetime inventions have been cited over 4,100 times, and been licensed by over 550 companies. Dan holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.
After he sold his previous patent portfolio Abelow had to decide whether to retire, or bet it all on a decades-long project to solve humanity's biggest challenges.
The Expandiverse is a new kind of innovation that corporate R&D and profit-first investors did not fund while Dan created the Expandiverse and started filing its patents.
Disclosure: Dan Abelow has never sued anyone for patent infringement, but his name was connected to some patent infringement lawsuits filed by others. Abelow sold his previous patent portfolio in 2004 to an Intellectual Ventures company who licensed many leading companies. Intellectual Ventures divested these patents to Webvention and Lodsys who used their patent ownership to license companies, and they sued some companies for patent infringement. Their lawsuits named the "Abelow patents" that they owned, and they filed the lawsuits. Dan Abelow is a tech creator who has never sued anyone for patent infringement.
Citations by Experts Who Know Cutting-Edge Technology
One-third of the Expandiverse's 1,628 citations — 553 citations — are by 20 tech leaders
U.S. Patent Examiners' most cited IP in 2017
The U.S. Patent Office is where new technology is judged and certified as a real invention. Patent examiners cite the technology that is first, to prevent applicants from re-patenting an existing invention. In 2017, Expandiverse IP was cited by U.S. patent examiners more than any other when they reviewed new patent applications. Why? A lot of patent applicants want what the Expandiverse was first to create.
Tech leaders cite this repeatedly
What does big tech's R&D do? They invest billions to create and patent the technologies they will need to lead tomorrow's digital economy. When they cite technology that's in their bullseye, they cite Expandiverse IP (Intellectual Property) again and again.
The average patent is cited just 3 to 6 times. Out of every million patents, only 100 patents are cited more than 100 times. The Expandiverse is already 16X larger than that elite group.
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder
Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition
Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.