Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

Roadmaps for Rising
Can roadmaps show the routes to a people-first future?
These 6 roadmaps — 3 for industries and 3 for the world — reveal ways to reach the Real World Metaverse™ ahead

Global Roadmap
Growth 2025
How can billions become healthy, prosperous and sustainable faster than ever before? According to Gartner, every year companies are collectively spending $4 trillion on IT (information technology and services).
Could they use part of that to fix the world's problems?
One advance could be an Expandiverse Digital Transformation at the scale of "system change." Everyone who wants personal exponential growth could add it. New abilities, achievements and control will enable personal ESG development at a speed and planetary scale never possible before — with these ESG steps helping solve the world's biggest problems at the same time.
How will this impact the climate crisis, inequality and global health? For the first time, we will all have ways to digitally transform these overwhelming problems in years instead of generations.
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Business Roadmap
Commerce 2025
Online-First will grow until it merges e-commerce and retail. Our continuously connected "e-consumption" will becomes an instantaneous solution, and the world's dominant channel.
These "moment of need" interactions will replace search, advertising, shopping, and retail with the world's best choices, knowledge, tools and commerce. Here’s a Roadmap for leading that transformation.
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Business Roadmap
Work 2025
During the rise of computing, Microsoft Office was the world’s platform for digital work.
On our Online-First world, work converges customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, media and the economy. It is always-on, continuously connected, learning and improving in real-time.
Which company will lead that global “Work Platform?” This new platform will continuously connect everyone as it produces real-time successes for customers, employees, suppliers, logistics and partners.
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Business Roadmap
Media 2025
Fortunes changed when more than 85 cents of every new dollar spent on online advertising went to Google or Facebook. Do these platforms care while old media withers, or do they celebrate the size of their revenues and market values?
But instead of dying quietly, could media use a new technology inflection to soar upward by lifting the world?
Could old media lead a new generation of “Real-Time Solutions” that produces personal success and prosperity that includes everyone — including the media?
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Global Roadmap
Supply Chain 2025
A continuously connected global economy is about to arrive. “Always on relationships” will serve consumers, vendors, employees, suppliers and logistics. The economy’s responsiveness will accelerate to real-time speed, with accuracy that hopes for perfection.
In this Global Digital Transformation people set their goals and companies deliver what they need, where and when needed. This Supply Chain Platform turns more accurate, efficient and cost effective. It disrupts older models that fill warehouses with products by enhancing people with connected e-consumption, and a FAST UX Platform for user experience (FAST is Find, Act, Save and Transform).
By 2025, one or a few companies could lead supply and demand chains that could be raising everyone's prosperity and success worldwide. These leaders will earn by empowering consumers and societies to reach new levels of speed, scale and personally accurate services worldwide.
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Global Roadmap
Digital Transformation 2025
Leave the slow road of incremental innovation to others. Innovate at the scale of "the system" with the Expandiverse Digital Transformation Roadmap:
First use People-First and personal exponential growth to enhance your customers, employees and supply chains. As you start leading your industry, scale your platform to lead the world. Add revenues by advising other companies' transformations, and sell your platform as a cloud service. Make many companies into leaders of their People-First Industries.
Why disrupt only your industry when you can re-open everyone’s future, and lead a successful People-First Planet?
The "Roadmaps" website is being updated.
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What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.