Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
Keynotes, Briefings, Webinars

Keynotes, Briefings and Webinars
Open your mind about your company doing a breakaway from your industry and competitors. That's exactly what a leader does.With today's digital accelerations, leaders breakaway again and again.
Use the Expandiverse and Metaverse to breakaway with your products, services, customers, employees and investors. Become a positive force in ESG, the climate crisis, health and inclusion.
The Opening Keynote for a 2-Day ESG Conference by U.S. Utilities, the industry that produces 25% of U.S. greenhouse gases
(Click to watch; 51 min.)
Climate Crisis and ESG Keynote
Will ESG Utilities become the Energy Companies of the Future?
How can leading companies profit by becoming ESG solutions businesses?
For utilities, a first step is to become an ESG Utility that digitally expands its revenues with an ESG solutions platform that helps each customer in real-time.
A second step grows that platform to ESG solutions across many more markets, ESG vendors and customers. This evolves into ESG Energy Companies that orchestrate and profit from the real-time delivery of ESG solutions worldwide.
This opportunity is larger than utilities' current revenues, as are the potential corporate valuations for their stock.
Delivered in Brazil, at an international business conference (32 min.)
Vision Keynote
The Crisis of Success and Our Journey to Greatness
We have become an unquenchable planet. Billions of people want unlimited growth and consumption for centuries to come.
This self-made Crisis of Success will force us on a Journey to Greatness. We no longer have a choice: We must build a sustainable planet or face unimaginable catastrophes.
Here is where you discover your unavoidable steps into Digital Wealth for all, with superior personal abilities that enable a successful planet for the first time in history.
What will you and our world become?
This CXO briefing is based on Dan Abelow’s keynote that opened The Conference Board’s Enterprise Digital Transformation Council in New York (41min.)
CXO Executive Briefing
How Will Business Work? Innovations for Your Digital Accelerations
It will take breakthrough innovations to move your markets and put your company in the lead.
What will it take to make your company part of every digital step with your customers, suppliers, employees and partners? When you enable their exponential growth, your reward is the leadership role you need.
This 22-minute TED-like keynote was delivered at ITES (IT European Summit) to CIOs, CTOs and Innovation Managers (22 min.)
TED-like Keynote
Platforms of the Future
At ITES (IT European Summit), Abelow presented to corporate leaders their crucial decision between a Corporate First future where giant platforms rule them, and a People First future where every company and person can rise to the top.
We are entering an age of E-Consumption that will link customers and vendors directly, bypassing the giant platforms.
Every company can secure their markets and block both competitors and surveillance. They, not the giant platforms, will lead. They will help change the lives of billions in years, instead of generations.
Excerpt from a briefing delivered at GE Headquarters, to Beth Comstock, Chief Marketing Officer, and her global staff (5 min.)
Senior Leadership Briefing
Are You Thinking Big Enough?
Many of us start from today’s most advanced best practices. We are already do the best that's possible, and know that we will soon be confronted by bigger challenges than ever before.
How will we add the innovations we will need to remain the leader tomorrow? As "tomorrow" arrives sooner than you expect, how will you surpass the best you can do today — with the speed and scale tomorrow will demand?
Webinar excerpt (13 min.)
Webinar Excerpt
Three Steps to Lead Online Marketing on Tomorrow's Digital Earth
Tech's giant platforms have only won for today. Yes, Google, Facebook and Amazon are ahead and dominant. But change keeps accelerating.
How can you use innovation and new tech advances to plan new assaults so you can take the lead from tech's giants?
The Expandiverse illustrates new exponential growth options that are key levers. As you harness new technologies, here's how you can use them to put you ahead of both the giant platforms and your competitors.
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.