Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
Private Resource:
14-Volume Expandiverse IP Library

Build Faster, Monetize Sooner:
14-Volume Expandiverse IP Library to Build the Real World Metaverse
Why add the Metaverse, Web3, crypto and blockchain? So people gain control. To deliver this faster use Expandiverse IP. Its library is 14 volumes of guidance to build our people-led planet now
how COULD YOU BUILD YOUR metaverse faster and better?
Two Free Downloads: "Privacy and Protections" and an Introduction to the "Reality Alternate"
These new virtual layers turn our real planet "people-first"
The first Expandiverse patent began by describing a people-first planet where every person can rise to the top

A growing number of companies, executives and developers are building their parts of the Metaverse. They say it will take years.
Now stop waiting. Expandiverse IP provides a roadmap, guides, briefings, videos and a 14-volume Expandiverse IP Library to build and monetize your Real World Metaverse faster and more directly.
Download an example right now. The #1 Metaverse concern of U.S. adults is the tracking and misuse of their personal data, according to Morning Consult's survey of 4,420 U.S. adults. "Of those who indicated that they are interested in entering the metaverse, 60% said they have major concerns about the misuse of their data, while 31% said it was a minor concern."
To make yours a Metaverse people want, download the 380-page "Privacy and Protections" special collection, You'll see seven new IP ways to build Privacy and Protections faster and better — and realize new IP guides are available to help you reach your Metaverse goals.
How much do you need to accelerate and start revenues, then grow revenues?
Go fast with the Expandiverse IP Technical Library
Four Expandiverse IP Special Collections*
Special collections accelerate key parts of development by adding focused portfolios of new IP advantages so you can take giant steps faster and directly.
At this stage, these are private guides for clients, licensees and M&A acquirers. If you would like to request one or more of these, see below for Liquidax contact information.
Devices Families: Physical, Virtual and Subsidiary Devices

The Expandiverse makes every person "Digitally Wealthy" by using real devices, virtual devices and subsidiary devices — so everyone benefits from humanity’s combined devices, knowledge and resources. This replaces the $1 trillion electronic devices markets with user-controlled "families of devices."
Virtual Lives and Virtual Events

Expandiverse “Shared Planetary Life Spaces” (SPLS) add user-controlled “digital environments” for work, life and play. These replace telecoms, video conferencing, online events, etc. and their $1.8 trillion markets, with real-time "presences" and new digital super-powers everywhere you want to live.
Assembly Layers: Universal Success for People and Planet

Expandiverse users decide and control their devices' interfaces. They choose their goals, which replaces what they don't want with what they want from their devices. Vendors help each person reach their goals, or they are replaced digitally by what helps. This replaces customers who work for companies with companies that work for each person.
Privacy and Protections

The Expandiverse adds seven new kinds of privacy and protections IP and technology. These elevate users to more protected devices, protected digital environments, and protected interfaces, ads and content. These replace today's surveillance economy with the people-first lives consumers and people want.
10-Volume Series: Expandiverse IP Technical Library*
This technical series is a roadmap for building a Metaverse where people run the real world — and its $94 trillion economy. With today's App Store model, the platform that delivers this could earn a percentage of the online transactions.
At this stage, these are private guides for clients, licensees and M&A acquirers. If you would like to request one or more of these, see below for Liquidax contact information.

Volume 1
Introduction to the Real World Metaverse

Volume 2
Active Guide: Personal Success for Everyone

Volume 3
Devices 1: New Devices Family — Teleportals

Volume 4
Devices 2: Devices Subsystems

Volume 5
Devices 3: Universal Access

Volume 6
Digital Living 1: Shared Planetary Life Spaces (SPLS)

Volume 7
Digital Living 2: Digital Boundaries

Volume 8
Digital Living 3: Four More Digital Realities

Volume 9
Utility 1: Background Infrastructure

Volume 10
Utility 2: Visible Infrastructure
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder

Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition

Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.