Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
Expandiverse Downloads
Creator/Founder Highlights:
Dan Abelow,
Applied Futurist
- Degrees: Harvard and Wharton
- Proven Value: 550 licensees of Abelow's previous patents, includes Apple, Google and Microsoft
- Proven Usefulness: Lifetime patent filings cited 4,100 times
- UX (User Experience) Expert: Made hundreds of UX improvements for leading companies
- 1,759 Patent Citations of Expandiverse IP: This IP is cited more than 99.9% of all U.S. Patents
Some of the 550 licensees of Dan's previous patents
Some Expandiverse Resources You can Access, Download and Share
See this future, share it with colleagues and decide your options
Click this video to stream it in this window
Some Video Examples of the Expandiverse and its UX
The visionary goal is to elevate billions of people all day long, every day, to start humanity's first sustainable, inclusive planet.
Companies monetize transactions and ads that transform lives by advancing the goals each person chooses,
Expandiverse Website, Roadmap, Online Resources
Dive into the start of a new IP field, "Planetary Success Technologies," with 1,759 patent citations (more than 99.9% of all U.S. patents).
Expandiverse Data Sheet (1-page PDF)
A short and shareable summary of a Big Idea: How to start sustainable Universal Success for people, companies, countries and the world.
Expandiverse IP Library (14 volumes)
To deliver, monetize and lead the future sooner use the Expandiverse Library's 14 volumes of technical guidance to build and grow a universally successful planet.
Includes 10 volumes based on Expandiverse IP, and 4 Special Collections:
- Virtual Life, Work, Events, Games
- Devices Families: Physical, Virtual and Subsidiary Devices
- Assembly Layers: Universal Success for People and Planet
- Privacy and Protections
Example Library Volumes
(Introduction) "Virtual Life, Work, Events, Games," 617 page PDF. About Expandiverse IP for living the best lives, using the best abilities, and enjoying the best experiences 24x7.
(Full text) "Privacy and Protections," 380 page PDF. About Expandiverse IP to add seven new kinds of privacy that put people on top, and protections from surveillance platforms.
Five Competitive Analyses
How do your technology and product strategies compare to the world's Top 5 Competitors — Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft?
Each of these opens in a new tab:
- E-Commerce: "Everything App" ($5.7 trillion market)
- Communications, Meetings, Work, Events ($1.8 trillion market)
- Connected Devices: Phones, Laptops, etc. ($1 trillion market)
- Digital Advertising ($468 billion market)
- Privacy and Protections (what people want)
Expandiverse Summary E-Book (PDF)
What's the Big Idea? No one has ever experienced a sustainable, healthy and prosperous planet that includes everyone. We have never even known how to build this. But now, we must become this in years, and transform the world in one historic decade.
Here's how:
ESG Roadmap: Keynote Video
How can leading companies profit by prioritizing ESG solutions businesses? First, add an ESG solutions platform that helps everyone personally in real-time. Second, grow this platform's ESG solutions across markets, into an ecosystem of ESG consumers and vendors.
Here's a roadmap to kick-start a real-time ESG Solutions Economy worldwide.
Received 1,759 Patent Citations
Expandiverse IP has been cited more than 99.9% of all U.S. patents. One-third of the 1,759 citations are from 20 of tech's leading companies. These companies and their number of patent citations are on this slide.
An "Age of PermaCrisis" has begun. Our giant problems add new threats and new leadership opportunities
To stay a leader, get a CoLeaders Ultimate Leadership Goal, Acceleration Roadmap and Decision Plan
CoLeaders Free Roadmap to Reach an "Ultimate Leadership Goal"
During today's frequent crises and disasters, how will you stay a leader? Get to know Dan Abelow, an Applied Futurist.
In three online whiteboard meetings, selected executives can work with Abelow to receive an Ultimate Leadership Goal, an Acceleration Roadmap and a Decision Plan.
For free, at no charge.
Will You Help Lead the World with "Planetary Success" Technologies?
What happens to the world's markets and economy when we become a Universally Successful and sustainable planet?
Everyone's devices will digitally include their personal "next best steps" all day long, to help everybody reach their goals.
The world's markets will digitally scale to billions more people, and the size of its industries will grow trillions of dollars larger. We will become a sustainable, healthier and more prosperous planet that includes everyone.
CoLeaders Website Walkthrough
To reach the future you really want, get a custom Ultimate Leadership Goal, an Acceleration Roadmap and a Decision Plan.
For free, at no charge.
CoLeaders Deck: 3 Meetings Process
Humanity's "Age of PermaCrisis" has begun. Our giant problems give you historic opportunities to lead humanity's next stage. Incremental growth is no longer enough. Competitive opportunities are opened by people’s problems and the world’s frequent disasters.
CoLeaders is a fast and direct way to get a breakaway goal, roadmap and decision plan so you can evaluate leading humanity's next stage.
What do You do if You are an Executive with Interest, Large Goals, Authority and Budget?
For assistance, services, keynote or articles contact Dan Abelow, the inventor and founder
Expandiverse is new IP and services for a Real World Metaverse™ that raises each person to the top so that everyone can improve their life and direct a better world.
Everybody RISE is a new kind of platform to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
For Expandiverse IP contact Liquidax for licensing, partnering or acquisition
Liquidax represents Expandiverse Technology for licensing, partnering and acquisition.
Liquidax Capital works ahead of the change. It is a private equity based IP asset management firm that focuses on large emerging markets.