Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

Welcome to Expandiverse Technology: Human Potential Unleashed

A diverse group of people from different backgrounds and occupations, all connected by glowing lines representing the power of AI and Expandiverse Technology.

Revolutionize the Ways People Know, Choose and Reach Their Goals

AI is new technology. Now, our groundbreaking technology and intellectual property can deliver it to transform every aspect of life, from personal success all day long, to global hyper-collaboration

(Click image to see it full size)

With 1,759 patent citations, including one-third from 20 world-leading tech companies, Expandiverse is poised to usher in a new era of innovation, enabling AI vendors and global platforms to deliver personalized AI to drive unprecedented growth and value.

Our Vision: A World of Limitless Potential

Imagine a world that includes everyone, a world where billions can achieve their full potential, harnessing the power of AI to improve their achievements, well-being and goals.

Expandiverse Technology introduces two game-changing delivery channels, the "Active Guide" and "Assembly Layers," designed to empower people and help billions their goals every day.

Their transactions can help monetize new platforms that benefit everyone and the planet, switching our $94 trillion economy from producing problems to solutions.

A person receiving personalized assistance on their devices from the Active Guide, represented by an AI avatar.]

Active Guide:
Personalized Assistance for Every Task

The Active Guide is a virtual assistant that learns privately from each user's behavior and goals, providing tailored support and guidance throughout the day. 

By integrating AI vendors' services into the Active Guide, users can access the AI-driven help they need to excel in every aspect of their lives.

A person at the center of a digital environment, surrounded by various devices and applications representing the Assembly Layers.]

Assembly Layers:
Personal Digital Assembly Lines

Assembly Layers take personalization to new heights, allowing users to create custom digital environments that bring assembly line strengths and speed to their personal goals and values. 

By controlling their devices and managing their self-chosen Digital Environment, users see the choices and solutions they want, ultimately achieving their self-decided goals efficiently and effectively.

A roadmap with milestones and icons representing various stages of implementing Expandiverse Technology.]

The Expandiverse Roadmap: Build a Better Future Together

Our Roadmap for implementing Expandiverse Technology outlines a strategic plan for AI vendors, major platforms, and leaders interested in delivering the power of a transformative Expandiverse at world scale.

By following the steps outlined in our Roadmap, stakeholders can integrate Expandiverse delivery systems into their existing products and services, while also developing new solutions that drive revenues, customer satisfaction and market share.

A diverse group of people working together in harmony, sharing ideas and knowledge, with the AI-driven Expandiverse Technology enabling their collaboration.]

Our Story: From the Headwinds of Problems to the Tailwinds of Personal and Planetary Success

As we add these IP delivery systems for a future where everyone can achieve their potential, Expandiverse Technology includes privacy and virtual advances, producing a hyper-collaborative, protected ascent.

By empowering individuals to make private self-driven decisions, set personal goals, and use AI to enhance their lives all day long, we add a "visible hand of the market" to the economy. Everyone always knows what works best, so we can all rise together on a solutions-driven planet.

About Us: The Innovator Behind Expandiverse Technology

Discover how a passion for solving the world's biggest problems has led to the development of the Expandiverse platform, designed to unleash human potential on a global scale.

(Click image to see it full size)

Dan Abelow, Applied Futurist

Anticipate. Innovate. Transform. 

Learn about the visionary behind Expandiverse Technology, Dan Abelow, an Applied Futurist with a proven track record of creating groundbreaking and transformative technologies.

  • 550 licensees of Dan's previous patents includes Apple, Google, Microsoft and other leaders
  • 4,100 patent citations put Dan's patent families in the top 0.01% of the most cited U.S. Patents

Your Ascent: Contact Us

Ready to unleash human potential with Expandiverse Technology? Contact our team today to discuss licensing, partnership or acquisition and learn how our technology can help your organization deliver positives lives on a positive planet, leading the new Age of AI.

Experience the Future:
Expandiverse Technology, Human Potential Unleashed

Explore Expandiverse.com to learn more about our mission, our technology, and how you can harness us to deliver a future of AI-driven human potential. Together, we can unlock greatness, foster limitless potential, and achieve successes on a global scale.