Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.
A new direction: Everyone to the top
How can we become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable world that includes everyone?

The People-First Expandiverse is a new kind of "system change technology" that raises everyone to the top
Problem, Challenge, Solution
Problem: We have never experienced a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone. We have never known how to build this.
Challenge: The climate crisis will force us to develop this by about 2023 to 2025, then scale it worldwide by 2030. How can we improve billions of lives in years, not generations?
Solution: The real value of innovation is to solve our biggest problems, and to advance humanity to its next stages. This new Expandiverse Technology has already been cited 1,628 times. The Expandiverse adds a new solutions platform and operating system for personal, societal and planetary success.

Dan Abelow .
Inventor, Expandiverse Technology
Founder, Everybody Rise Platform
New technology and operating system:

Demonstration application: ESG Personal Solutions Economy

Mission: Switch the World from Problems to Solutions
This is the time to leap to humanity's next stage — a sustainable, successful and healthy planet — by proving an ESG Solutions Platform by 2022 to 2025. Then by 2030 it can be digitally scaled, perhaps growing 10X per year, until it is assisting billions of people who will drive a new ESG Solutions Economy.
Is this a realistic goal? In the 1960's, the "Space Race" changed the world. In less than 10 years an American walked on the moon. New technologies were created to accomplish this, and they led the world for decades.
In the 2020's we need a Great Rise to change the world again. Those who lead this may lead the world for decades.

Expandiverse Technology was created to improve billions of lives in years, rather than generations. The People-First Expandiverse is a new kind of "system change technology" that raises everyone to the top. This new technology has already been cited 1,628 times.
How to Raise Every Person, Community and the World
Technology improves one person's life in many ways. Next, it will improve connected communities and societies by making every person world class. Then billions of people could help solve the world's problems — health, inequality and sustainability — by the 2030 climate crisis deadline.
If we reach 2030 and billions of people are still living non-sustainable fossil fueled lives, then new UN climate policies and government green initiatives will not be enough.
This long page walks you through the technology behind Everybody RISE, a transformation to a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone. Based on Expandiverse Technology, this shows how to empower every person to transform their lives and the planet to a people-first, sustainable ESG Solutions Economy by 2030.
This page can be skimmed by clicking its images. These images expand for rapid browsing. There is also more information on the private Everybody Rise website.

This new technology's transformation starts affordably. A series of proofs of concepts use the familiar design process of roadmaps, user research, designs, frequent user tests, scalable prototypes and iterations — to develop proven personal solutions that can be delivered and grown to 10X more users per year.
With digitial exponential growth, real-time personal solutions can empower millions and then billions of people. These self-chosen improvements will compel companies to evolve from delivering problems to providing the safe, healthy and sustainable planet people require.
Would you like to discuss how you can join a "Great Rise" that can include everyone without attacking elites or governments?. The first movers and fast followers who lead this might lead for decades to come.

Some Leaders' Citations of Expandiverse Technology
27 Patent Citations by

35 Patent Citations by

113 Patent Citations by

Citations by Experts Who Know Cutting-Edge Technology
One-third of its 1,628 citations — 553 citations — are by 20 of tech's leaders
U.S. Patent Examiners' most cited IP in 2017

The U.S. Patent Office is where new technology is judged and certified as a real invention. Patent examiners cite the technology that is first, to prevent applicants from re-patenting an existing invention. In 2017, Expandiverse IP was cited by U.S. patent examiners more than any other when they reviewed new patent applications. Why? A lot of patent applicants want what the Expandiverse was first to create.
Tech's leaders cite this repeatedly

What does big tech's R&D do? They invest billions to create and patent the technologies they will need to lead tomorrow's digital economy. When they cite technology that's in their bullseye, they cite Expandiverse IP (Intellectual Property) again and again.
The average patent is cited just 3 to 6 times. Out of every million patents, only 100 patents are cited more than 100 times. The Expandiverse is already 16X larger than that elite group.
Why is Expandiverse IP Cited so Often?
Can every person and business be moved to the top? Imagine a rapid leap upward: You and everyone rise toward the top on an Online-First World. Humanity's combined digital abilities and resources are at your fingertips. You set your goals then receive active guidance instantly during online steps, succeeding rapidly at full speed, all day long. Your life keeps improving in the ways you choose.
In this new world, you and everybody become the leaders who help solve the climate crisis, health, inequality and social justice.

Next IP Steps: Valuation and Divisionals
Independent, expert valuation

How much is this worth? Fortunately, experts have valued this IP. The cost-benefits relationships are remarkable.
Divisionals: A patent family and IP portfolio

Some areas of technology are more important to you than others. Here's what the 1,400 page Expandiverse specification includes, so you can build the patent family that fits your goals. We're glad to help with your IP roadmap, Expandiverse patent filings and IP asset management.
The Future is Already More Advanced than You Know
To be better and faster, don't waste time. It takes time to grow your innovations, so that makes now the time when you choose your future in the mid- and late-2020's.
We help you learn, develop and lead. We listen well, are easy to work with, and valuable.
Let's start by making you better and faster right away: Where do you want to go, and when do you want to get there?


About the Inventor
The Expandiverse is Dan Abelow's latest IP. His lifetime inventions have been cited over 4,100 times, and been licensed by over 550 companies. Dan holds degrees from Harvard and the Wharton School.
After he sold his previous patent portfolio Abelow had to decide whether to retire, or bet it all on a decades-long project to solve humanity's biggest challenges.
Abelow self-funded and privately created new Expandiverse "system change technology." This is a new kind of innovation that corporate R&D and profit-first investors did not fund while he created this and started filing for patents.
Now, of course, we know we have a broken "system" because it causes the climate crisis, failed at preparing for the Covid-19 pandemic, and continues problems like inequality, global chronic diseases, discrimination and social injustice. As we face big challenges, Dan's mission is to create and grow new ways to fix our "system" before it breaks us.

Disclosure: Dan Abelow has never sued anyone for patent infringement, but his name was connected to some patent infringement lawsuits filed by others. Abelow sold his previous patent portfolio in 2004 to an Intellectual Ventures company who licensed many leading companies. Intellectual Ventures divested these patents to Webvention and Lodsys who used their patent ownership to license companies, and they sued some companies for patent infringement. Their lawsuits named the "Abelow patents" that they owned, and they filed the lawsuits. Dan Abelow is a tech creator who has never sued anyone for patent infringement.
Proven: Commercially Useful and Valuable Creator
Previous patents were licensed by over 550 companies

Many of these licensees are tech's leading companies, and others are some of the world's best known brands.
In 2004 Abelow sold his entire patent portfolio to an Intellectual Ventures company. They licensed many leading companies. Then in 2009, Intellectual Ventures divested this portfolio to Webvention and Lodsys, who licensed more companies. In total, over 550 companies licensed patents from this portfolio.
Abelow has never sued anyone for patent infringement. Later owners of Abelow's previous patents used them, as their patents, to file patent infringement lawsuits.
An example previous patent licensed by over 200 companies

Are Abelow's inventions broadly useful? Here is an invention you use all day long in many parts of your life.
You constantly use 1-on-1 communications in personal alerts and messages through your phone, apps, smart speakers, computers and smart devices (IoT, Internet of Things devices).
Abelow invented the first patent and IP family that described these 2-way personal interactions during the use of products and services. These Abelow patents have been licensed over 200 times and cited more than 2,000 times.
Resources to Grow the Expandiverse's People-First World
Public Resources

Business Resources

Technical Resources

This is a journey. A lot has been done. More is being added. Welcome aboard.

Operating Systems (OS) Change How the World Works: Here is the Personal Solutions Operating System
1991: The OS ran COMPUTERS. 2005: The OS ran PHONES. NOW: The OS will let every person run the WORLD by giving us the PERSONAL SOLUTIONS we choose.
Empowered by the Personal Solutions OS, people will solve the world's problems

Personal COMPUTER Operating System
Microsoft's best acquisition ever was buying QDOS for $50K*. Microsoft licensed it to IBM and other PC vendors for the Personal Computer's operating system. This purchase was the cash cow that enabled Microsoft to grow into the beating heart of most of the world's personal computers.

Personal PHONE Operating System
Google's best acquisition ever was Android, when it bought this startup for $50 million*. Google gave the Android OS to the world's smart phone vendors for free so long as they used Google's services. Because Android is on over 80% of the world's smart phones, Google's services are used by billions of people worldwide, every day.

The Expandiverse adds a PERSONAL SOLUTIONS Operating System.* This changes today's "system" from user-centered to user-directed. This OS empowers every person to make this a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone. People choose their goals and rise toward achieving them.

Parts of how the Personal Solutions Operating System works
Henry Ford's Assembly Line Transformed the Economy:
Now Expandiverse Assembly Layers may Transform the Planet
People, companies and societies have big goals they can't reach today. How will we change that?
Ford's Assembly Line changed the economy and society: Can Assembly Layers empower everyone to change their lives, the economy and the world?

In 1914 Henry Ford's new Assembly Line founded mass production, created the middle class and changed society. It transformed products, consumption, working conditions and economic competition.
Today, our biggest, most damaging problems seem beyond our personal reach. That will change when a digital ESG layer puts each person in control, with new abilities to decide the goals and achieve them.
A new Expandiverse Assembly Layer empowers everyone to receive digital exponential growth with the "FAST Results" User Experience (FAST is Find, Act, Save, Transform). This continuous engagement model includes:
- (1) Find: Choose your goals and the best ESG solutions are displayed in real-time. The "system" is changed to help people achieve their goals
- (2) Act: Active Guide displays ESG solutions that enable goals so people can try the solutions they want
- (3) "FAST UX": The User Experience (UX) is continuous engagement "FAST UX": Find, Act, Save, Transform
- (4) Use: For the solutions you want, try, save and re-use the solutions you want to keep using
- (5) Transform: Each person sees their results, their progress to their goals, and their sustainability
- (6) Improve Solutions: Participating companies see the best solutions and their gaps to improve their solutions
- (7) Fill Gaps: Continuously discover, prove and deliver new and better solutions
- (8) Change the world: Switch to a people-first ESG Solutions Economy: People choose goals, take control, and "the system" provides the best ESG solutions

Choose your goals, take digital control of your connected devices
People-First Control: Switch from "System Goals and Choices" to User-Controlled Goals and Choices
Choose your goals. Take control. See your personal solutions.
Today's "system" presents your choices — the ads, products and services that you choose between to live your life.
Tech's surveillance platforms display "the system's" ads and products, and it sells those non-sustainable products. They run an economy that is destroying the Earth. These platforms know the choices they offer are harmful.
Instead, people-first control lets users decide their goals — like sustainability, health, prosperity and inclusion. They can decide to digitally replace the ads, products, content and companies so their choices fit their goals.
This user-controlled Digital Environment spans a user's connected devices. As you move from place to place, time to time, and device to device, your goals and the choices you want will move with you.
For example, people could switch their digital choices from fossil fuels to renewables simply by digitally replacing the 100 companies that are the source of over 70% of the world's carbon emissions since 1988.

When people set the goals, they move to the top, above tech's surveillance platforms. People track companies and what they send digitally. The users' devices' interfaces present the choices that fit the goals each user sets.
Tipping points are triggered when enough people the same goals. Scientific American reports a surprisingly small 25% tipping point in "The 25% Revolution—How Big Does a Minority Have to Be to Reshape Society?"

Active Guide: See your personal solutions in real-time
RISE Active Guide: Start and Grow an ESG Personal Solutions Economy
The economy's next leaders will deliver Personal Solutions to people worldwide

RISE's Solutions Economy makes this a hyper-collaborative planet. The world's best choices can always be visible to people, businesses, organizations and societies. Everyone can be as good as the world's best.
RISE's Active Guide helps people and organizations throughout the day by delivering the best known sustainable ESG solutions personally to everyone at once. This helps everyone end the climate crisis and inequality by making everyone as good as the best in the world.
Every step is a private learning point:
- See a solution as "your next best choice" or "the short path to your goal"
- Decide to use it or not
- See its success or failure when tried
- If liked, is the solution saved?
- If saved, is it reused? How often? How much is changed by the re-uses?
- The best solutions are discovered, proven by use and rise to the top. These are delivered widely so that everyone knows the best choices.
RISE's Active Guide learns privately and continuously from real uses. This new hyper-collaboration then delivers the world's best ESG solutions to everyone.
Active Guide delivers solutions when and where needed

Education is one of the most powerful forces for people to improve their lives, and for societies to advance. Now RISE's Active Guide* turns learning continuous, real-time, bite-sized and measurable.
Solutions are delivered inside the digital steps people take all day long, to help them reach their goals. Everyone can see “your next best step," and "the short path to your goal." They can use RISE's "FAST UX" (Find, Act, Save and Transform) to reach their goals rapidly, directly and repeatedly.
A back-end AI drives the Active Guide by learning what works best privately as it helps people and organizations throughout the day. Each choice and action are kept private, but the AI's learning is shared so everyone receives the solutions that work the best. Whenever a person doesn't want a solution, other solutions can be chosen.
Or, live person-to-person Q&A's can be used. Here an AI selects appropriate volunteers who want to help, with full privacy protections for those asking and those who reply. Successful Q&A's train the Active Guide's AI so millions of Q&A's grow the Active Guide.
The overall result is "Digital Wealth" where everyone receives the best solutions continuously. A new worldwide norm begins: Humanity's best solutions are part of everyone's daily life, enabling everyone to be the best.

Connected ESG Commerce: The sustainable connected consumption platform
The Economy's Next Leaders will Deliver Personal Solutions instead of Climate Problems
Customer journeys and experiences use RISE's "FAST UX": Find, Act, Save and Transform
As people take digital control they choose their goals. These goals focus the ESG solutions they receive. They're ESG because each solution increases sustainability to help end the climate crisis.
RISE's "FAST UX" (UX is User Experience) empowers each person to Find their solutions, Act on the ones they want, Save the best and re-use them easily. This Transforms today’s non-sustainable economy away from the disasters of the Surveillance Internet and the Climate Crisis. It starts the successful human and environmental solutions people want and could soon choose at exponential scale.
As people receive and use personal solutions to achieve their goals, this connected consumption platform replaces the non-sustainable economy and ends the climate crisis sooner. Everybody RISE's revenues include a slice of many of the resulting transactions, helping pay for delivering this "system change" for free to people.

When people are empowered to choose their goals and achieve them directly, they change the "system" to people-first. Many people will add sustainability, health, prosperity, privacy and inclusion, and see their progress on a personal dashboard as they rise.
Companies still make the products, sell them, earn the profits and increase their shareholder values. But people choose their goals and directly connected companies help them succeed. The Expandiverse calls this People-First Capitalism.

"FAST" ease of use: Try, save and re-use the best solutions
Connected Commerce monetizes Solutions Transactions: Replace the non-sustainable economy
How does RISE make the non-sustainable physical economy obsolete? As people use their new people-first control and Digital Wealth solutions they RISE personally. They see the world's best solutions surround them, so they can replace the non-sustainable economy quickly, ending the climate crisis sooner.
This evolves consumption to direct private connections with sustainable vendors. This sustainable ESG economy is made "walk-up-and-use" simple — easier than today's non-sustainable economy. Everyone immediately knows the most sustainable choices around them. They can act instantly and meet needs directly.
Experiencing a solution opens the door to adding goals like energy, food, water, health, learning, shelter, transportation and a restored environment.

When sustainability is made the easiest choice, everyone can improve rapidly. Their lives RISE while helping end the climate crisis, solving chronic health problems, overcoming inequality and making the economy inclusive.

See your results and your progress to your goals
Everyone Knows: See Your Personal RISE Privately All Day Long
Here's where you control your part of the "system." Knowledge is power, and you become powerful when you can clearly see your goals, actions, results and gaps.
Now you can act decisively: Choose your goals, try the best solutions, act on them, and save "your solutions" to transform your life with immediate re-uses of what helps you the most.
You gain continuous engagement with new ways to improve your life and transform "the system." By making your life better you take control of the world, instead of the world controlling you.
This produces a private services environment that's beyond Amazon Prime, without being charged for it. Each user knows:
- What are my goals and my current progress to reach them? Where are my gaps?
- Which choices, products and companies help meet my goals? These are what I see and use digitally across my devices, places and times. How much does it help to replace the "system's" choices with my goals and solutions? Am I growing the direct connections I need with solutions that work for me?
- What saves me money? How much am I spending compared to my income and budget?

Today's system tells you your choices. If you want to live sustainably, it forces you to choose from the the non-sustainable ads, products and services it sells. Your values and needs are ignored. You have little power or influence.
Everybody RISE gives you new ways to answer life's most important question: Does technology control you, or do you control technology
My digital actions are triggers. With an Active Guide, my solutions are always visible so I can continuously improve.
This makes my results clear at every step, every day. Immediate choices are easy. I help me and the world without needing the surveillance platforms of search, social and online shopping.

Participating companies get the ESG revenues and profits
Participating Companies Know the Best Solutions so they can Fill Their Gaps
Companies live in a competitive market where their survival depends on becoming the best quickly, and providing the best solutions. It's a huge obstacle when it is hard to know which ESG solutions are the most sustainable and highest impact. It's another obstacle when it's hard to learn from the best solutions.
As part of Everybody RISE, companies will know the best solutions and their metrics. This lets every ESG company measure their solutions against the best competitors, and add continuous ESG improvements.
Joining this RISE competition helps all companies rise to the top of the ESG solutions so they can be displayed and delivered worldwide. Participating in RISE's platform helps every company produce strong ESG metrics and standards so they exceed the non-sustainable companies that will be made obsolete and left behind.

All or parts of many solutions come from specialized suppliers. RISE's hyper-collaboration platform helps every participant find ESG suppliers and partners right away. It displays local vendors on maps, and uses ESG metrics-based lists, so companies can find, connect and improve their ESG solutions rapidly.

Automate the discovery and delivery of new and better solutions
Automate the Discovery, Proof and Delivery of the World's Best Solutions
What are the world's best solutions for your goals? Do you know how to find them, receive them automatically, and how to use them?
RISE automates this continuous discovery, valuation and delivery. We can become a world where the best new ESG solutions are continuously discovered and delivered to everyone.
As better solutions are discovered, these rise to the top as solutions are privately tried, used, saved, re-used and their impact learned. This produces measured results instead of today's disinformation platforms and dark marketing patterns.
The best solutions rise to the top as they are distributed in real-time to fit each person's goals. In this new world everyone can always know and choose the world's best solutions immediately during each need and activity.

This real-use process calculates the value of the best new solutions. Since their projected value includes climate change and sustainability, they do not repeat the old problems.
The result is a new way to live. By discovering the best new solutions, humanity's combined abilities are always growing and reaching everyone, on a planet that advances rapidly together.
As people choose the goals and use the world's best solutions to reach them, we live in an continuously engaged world where "everyone can be the best," move ahead FAST, and know their Results all the time.

Kick-start the RISE ESG Solutions Economy
A New Option: An ESG Personal Solutions Economy that is Led by People
Economy-wide, the Personal Solutions Operating System is a Personal Solutions Economic System
New "VISIBLE Hand of the Market" replaces inequality capitalism

Capitalist economies still reflect Adam Smith's "INVISIBLE hand of the market" from his 1776 milestone publication, The Wealth of Nations.
The Expandiverse evolves capitalism to a "people-chosen VISIBLE hand of the market." This creates People-First Capitalism which delivers the world people choose, and drives RISE's new ESG Solutions Economy.
People-First Capitalism is simple. If a company does not help users reach their goals, the company is digitally invisible. Monopoly companies have high costs because they are built to serve the whole market. If 5%, 15% or 25% of the market leaves them, they are no longer profitable and their market value dies.
Thus, people-first companies win. In addition, people-first employees want to deliver improving lives and societies that include everyone, so this corporate attitude decides both the talent war and market shares.
Goals like health, sustainability, prosperity and inclusion could be visibility requirements for trillions of dollars in transactions. If this makes people-first companies the world's most powerful economic forces, they can also change politics.
Companies that continue destroying the world can be shown only enough data to make them change. Companies that join this people-first economy will know what it takes to sell the best products and grow their market share — while each person's privacy is protected and the surveillance economy ended.
RISE ESG Solutions Economy is quantitative, measured, managed, guided, self-improving

RISE's life cycle delivers interactive suggestions to users (on the left), and customers (on the right). All user data is private and collected to produce AI analytics, dashboards, reports and AI learning (in the center).
This drives a free platform of real-time Active Guides that can assist everyone (center). This can be direct or through websites, apps, online services or other "digital partners."
Direct monetizations (on the right) is added to revenues from transactions (on the left). Together, the revenues support the free platform, which drives its capacity to help more people adopt ESG solutions that improve lives while ending the climate crisis.
As users' act, they produce new private data from their FAST actions and social influences. These data improve the AI's. These are delivered by RISE's platform and Active Guide, so everyone sees the world's best ESG solutions for their goals.
Misinformation is eliminated. RISE delivers quantitative, proven, explainable choices that fit each person's goals.
Since digital reality is constructed, this empowers people to decide their goals privately, with people-first companies delivering FAST and effective solutions for them to Find, Act, Save and Transform their lives — and the world.
Moats Protect this Business from the Climate Killers
Non-sustainable companies will fight back. Protections are needed by people and companies that want to end today's climate crisis economy. Five of these protections include:
- People Privacy serves the huge numbers that reject the Surveillance Internet, with a new digital layer that will grow personal protections for years to come.
- People Control starts with everyone selecting their goals, then receiving superior personal experiences through one-to-one display and delivery of the best available solutions.
- People are made Experts by RISE Active Guide and personal solutions displayed throughout the online world. Everyday life is continuously raised to higher levels because everyone can always know the world's best choices to reach their goals in more sustainable ways.
- People "System" (SaaS—Software as a Service) transforms many markets by redirecting these businesses to digital solutions that both help people reach their goals, and are sustainable. Ending the climate crisis faster will grow markets and connect people privately with solutions providers.
- RISE Easy Engineering revolutionizes how the next digital world will be built, by providing RISE services via API's and Microservices. This grows the "partner revenues" and abilities of businesses, apps, websites and the IoT (Internet of Things) everywhere.

As climate disasters become more frequent and destructive, more and more people ask, "How can I help? What can I do?"
Everybody Rise's platform grows by inviting people to see and use solutions across all their devices in real-time, and companies and organizations to provide solutions that can be displayed and used.
RISE gives people digital control over their choices. Everyone can act now to improve lives and fix the world. There is no need to wait for governments, politicians, regulations, laws or international organizations.
Could Everyone become Digitally Wealthy
Today, tech's giant platforms use exponential growth for themselves. People and advertisers work for them, to make the tech platforms' shareholders rich and increase inequality.
What if the power of exponential growth could assist every person by delivering the world's best solutions in real-time, when and where needed?
RISE's multi-sided network empowers everyone to reach for their goals privately. Their anonymous results reveal the best solutions that improve people's lives and the world.
As each person sees their "next best steps" throughout the day, each person is empowered to reach for their goals, each organization can improve their solutions, and everyone can receive humanity's best combined abilities. Humanity's digital wealth is developed and delivered everywhere, to everyone who wants it.
This adds a new umbrella layer — a user-controlled Digital Environment — over devices, brands, tech's platforms and the Internet. This Digital Wealth helps makes each person as good as the best. Everyone can choose their goals and make "the system" work for them.

RISE's ESG Solutions Economy is a new kind of Digital Wealth that serves everyone. Humanity's continuous advances are discovered, valued and delivered. These solutions empower every person and organization with direct, personal exponential growth toward their goals. While private, this personal assistance makes everyone digitally wealthy all day long, every day.
SUMMARY: SOME PARTS OF THE everybody rise example
Some Major Parts of Everybody Rise Platform from the Personal Solutions Operating System (PS OS)
The U.S. Patent Office classified the Expandiverse patent specification into 31 technology categories — but a list of 31 technologies does NOT describe this invention:
For the first time in history the Everybody RISE platform describes how to build a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone
"System Change" Technology
The Expandiverse is a new answer to society's core question: Does the world control you, or do you control the world?
People-First Control and Privacy
Today's "system" provides the choices. Instead, people choose their goals and the "system" serves them. Marketing evolves from customer-centered to customer-controlled
Active Guide
Adds personal solutions to digital activities. Users see "your next best step" and the "short path to your goal". Leads to personal success becoming the norm
Connected ESG Solutions Commerce
Connected commerce grows a sustainable economy and planet that includes everyone. Make the non-sustainable economy obsolete.
Real-time ESG Solutions Platform
Transform digital devices into an ESG Solutions Platform that gives each person and company direct abilities to help solve problems like the climate crisis, health and inclusion. Add user-controlled goals and ESG solutions to life, business, learning and disasters..
Global Hyper-Collaboration
The platform privately learns "what's best" as people receive solutions and choose which to try, save and re-use. Then the "best solutions" are delivered to everyone so they can Rise, too. New "digital wealth" is created and delivered to everyone.
Some parts of RISE's Personal Solutions Platform

The U.S. Patent Office classified the 1,400 page Expandiverse specification into 31 technology categories. Expandiverse patent applications use these components for individual patents and for pipeline IP systems that deliver new digital layers like the Personal Solutions Operating System (PS OS).
Everybody RISE starts a new norm: People choose the goals and RISE's new ESG Solutions Economy delivers their solutions in real-time. This grows ESG companies that take market share by delivering the sustainable products, services, content and trustworthy businesses people want.
Privacy Replaces the Surveillance Economy
Today's surveillance economy tracks and targets you when you do things online — which is most of the time for many people.
Your interests, activities and personal choices belong to everyone but you.
Instead, privacy can be made a personal digital boundary that each person controls. If you would like to live sustainably and eat healthy food, that's the ads and content that your devices deliver. What your devices present, and your use of them, can be private for you alone.
In this new "people-first system," private and direct e-consumption replaces surveillance advertising and e-commerce. Users and people-first organizations can share their direct relationships without including tech's surveillance platforms or others.
This can make the Earth a people-led planet and economy that can improve lives and solve the world's problems, without tech's platforms requiring the obsolete non-sustainable economy.

Teleportals: A New Family of Connected Devices
Teleportals are a new family of local, remote, fixed and mobile devices.
These next-level devices and interfaces could be added by Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack (Salesforce), Google Chat, Discord, Epic Games, Twitch and more.
This device might eclipse iOS, Android, Windows, laptops, tablets, phones and smart televisions.
This service could be added by AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Vodaphone and other communications vendors.
We have turned most of the world digital, but we never turned the windows in our walls into digital devices.
- Imagine walking up to a "digital window" and having a full "digital presence" — life size in other Teleportals — in one or more rooms and places around the world. Each of your "presences" enjoys a "Shared Planetary Life Space," all the online abilities, services and resources you use together with those "in those other places," live and at your collective fingertips.
- Imagine having several live Teleportals that put each of your Shared Life Spaces "in" several places at once, with the digital "super powers" that fit each place and activity.
- Imagine flipping your digital Teleportals and Shared Spaces between lots of Teleportals in lots of places. You and others can turn all these Teleportals, connected rooms and shared places into the exciting lives you want, instead of the limited life you have.
You won't need a headset or virtual reality. You will live, work, learn and play with all of the world's people, places, online services, connected products and global events. Every day will bring a new adventure.

What if the windows in your walls were digital devices? We could live in a live digital world, without needing headsets or virtual reality.
The cost? Smart TV's are ever cheaper, include processors and display interactive connections with the Internet. Teleportals make these large screens more interactive, beef up their computing and storage, mount them in windows and on walls, and add Expandiverse features with the back-end Expandiverse, Everybody RISE or another platform. Teleportals might transform our world into a "digitally present" planet that lives together, everywhere.
The result? Many people already spend 90% of their time indoors. Teleportals will make your Digital Reality more powerful, comfortable and interesting than the limits of most indoor rooms and realities.
Multiple "Presences" Expand Your Life Worldwide
The Expandiverse adds "presences" which are each an always-on Shared Planetary Life Space. You can switch between them to use the super powers that fit each of them.
Think of your roles and interests each becoming a "presence" — a Shared Life Space for your family, work, life or entertainment. Each of these "presences" has its own always-on people, online services, places and resources.
What would it be like to flip between your presences? In one click you could flip into the "shared life space" that fits what you're doing. It's people, tools and resources are already "on" and live, maximizing your immediate actions and impacts. When you do something different, you can flip to another "presence". It's like walking into a new room with everything you need around you and ready to use.
Each "presence" also has a dashboard so you know your current results, problems, revenues and — with your Active Guide — your "next best step" so you can improve every minute.
Life is too short. Science will not extend our lifespans in time for us to live a second century, especially if there are billions of people. Instead, we can each expand our lives by multiplying our "presences" and enjoying our "life spaces" worldwide.

In the future you can grow your life to multiple worldwide "presences." Your family, your projects at work, and your interests can each have its own "life space."
In addition to growing up, you'll grow out.
In addition to life extension, you'll add life expansion.
In addition to one limited life, you can add multiple super powered "presences."
Who Could Lead the Economy's Next Stage and Transform Billions?
Next stage: The private and personal ESG Solutions Economy

Instead of paying for surveillance searches and shopping, companies will deliver solutions to each person privately, to help everyone reach the goals they set. The most successful companies will know many of us privately, and earn our trust by helping us succeed personally. We will receive the highest levels of personal success every minute, making each of us as good as the best in the world.
These new private relationships will raise digital barriers that keep out competitors and the surveillance platforms. The people-first companies who lead this directly connected world will constantly advance people to help them reach the goals they choose.
These leading companies will orchestrate new waves of personal, ESG and economic advances. Their business opportunity is to assist billions of people personally, every day, while eliminating the costs and risks from the surveillance platforms.
Leaders can stay leaders if they make this a successful world

It sounds like a "big ask" to replace the world economy. It might be less of an ask than letting it fail in climate catastrophes. To preserve their leadership and assets, leaders may want to make this a safer and more successful world.
This can start by empowering every person to choose their goals, empowering organizations to deliver the ESG solutions people need, and pay "partner revenues" to online businesses that display and deliver the solutions.
Then these leaders could replace the non-sustainable economy with an ESG Solutions Economy. If our leading companies become people-first businesses, that would be the fastest way to transform the economy. Even Google, Facebook and Amazon could adopt this people-first technology and put people in control quickly — along with other business leaders who want to stay leaders.
When today's leading companies help put people in control, we can change rapidly to the ESG Solution Economy we want and need.

A Visible Demonstration Project Shows the Opportunity
New technology and operating system:

Demonstration application: ESG Personal Solutions Platform

How and When does the World Change? We are More Advanced Than You Know
Only one force is powerful enough to change the world in this decade

How and when will the world change?
Today's obstacles seem large because governments, societies, inequality and economic systems don’t change fast enough. But the Expandiverse changes the paradigm from problems to solutions, and from obstacles to advances.
New technology has a proven track record of transforming how everyone lives and works every decade. The real value of innovation is to solve our biggest problems, and advance humanity to its next stage.
We are more advanced than you know.
Like other decades, Expandiverse Technology is ready to transform the world. It adds the Personal Solutions Operating System, Assembly Layers and much more to start an ESG Solutions Economy. This may be our best way to fix our overwhelming problems and make major advances.
Interestingly, a lot of large companies could lead this transformation. They have the corporate board direction, the tech-savvy leadership and the budget for the relatively small cost of adding Expandiverse Technology.
Who will win this decade's competitive race? Who will lead the world in 2030?

Leaders change when a new kind of winner emerges and the old winners can't keep up. It's Clayton Christianson's Innovator's Dilemma. The old leaders are trapped by their business model, while new entrants take the market away.
Consider the weakness of Facebook, Google and Amazon. They run giant advertising and e-commerce surveillance platforms that sell the obsolete non-sustainable economy. They win as long as they keep the non-sustainable economy dominant. They're so big they must sell everything, so they depend on the fossil fueled economy to stay on top.
One way to take away their lead is to use new tech to empower every person to replace the non-sustainable economy privately and digitally. When people control their devices and interfaces, they will set their goals and decide the world.
With frequent climate disasters sweeping the world, large numbers will replace the non-sustainable economy that damages them. People will make the economy sustainable faster. People-first companies will take the lead and stay digitally visible.
This new private channel will replace growing parts of today's surveillance platforms. Sustainable customers will connect to sustainable vendors directly, as replace today's destructive economy with a new ESG Solutions Economy.
The 2020's Big New Markets: ESG and Climate Crisis
Investors expect ESG everywhere

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investments used to be acceptable if they could outperform traditional investments. Now ESG is becoming the expected standard for investments and assets.
How will investors find ESG investments and assets at the scale of tens of trillions of dollars that need good financial returns? If they help fund, develop and guide an Everybody Rise platform, they will drive the ESG Solutions Economy they need. They will maximize the profits from replacing the non-sustainable economy.
Size of the Climate Crisis market

The climate crisis is an example with people worldwide who want to help end it. Providing sustainable solutions is projected to produce market sizes from $7 trillion for adapting to climate change, to $26 trillion for a new "climate economy.," to $145 trillion for converting the full economy to sustainability.
The opportunity for consumers to set their personal goals and receive personal ESG solutions is timely. In many industries, a leading company might turn its markets private and directly connected by making customers radically more successful — so they can improve their lives and help the world at the same time.
The fastest way to win is by finding a new tech winner and licensing, partnering or acquiring it. Then use that tech to solve big problems.
The Expandiverse, with 1,628 patent citations, empowers every person to set their goals and improve their lives every day. We can collectively start and grow the ESG Solutions Economy to make this a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.
Will you use the Expandiverse to take the world in a better direction" Could you take the lead, perhaps for decades to come?
The Expandiverse Experience: Everybody RISE
Only one technology is people-first, world-changing and puts you ahead of tech's giant platforms and monopolistic corporations. Welcome to the Expandiverse.
"System change" is what happens when everyone can take control digitally, set their goals, receive humanity's "next best steps" and use the world's online resources to make improvements all day long.
An Expandiverse-based platform, named Everybody Rise, could digitally grow to billions of uses every day. It could display and deliver personal ESG solutions everywhere online, increase the daily achievements of each person, and raise the world's digital acceleration to transformative levels.
Everybody RISE starts small like any startup, delivers proof of concepts and scalable prototypes, then launches its components as they gain traction. It grows through digital blitz scaling to raise each person, and the world. Billions of people can receive digital exponential growth, not just the giant corporations.

A 2-Year Work Plan and a 10-Year Growth Plan
Tech's giant platforms began as startups then scaled as they grew.
Here is Everybody RISE's 2-Year Work Plan and 10-Year Growth Plan. This starts by designing and user testing proofs of concept, and prototypes. This develops and proves the fit with users and markets. This can then be scaled digitally so it can grow for years and decades.
The result is the "Great RISE," which might reach over 1 billion uses per day. With the Internet, the time to a billion users fell to 6 to 12 years. As this RISE matures, the time to add a new solution and scale it to a billion users may shrink to 6 to 12 months.

If this were your digital platform, you could plan and develop your market fit at this platform's scale. With the Internet, the time to a billion users shrinks to 6 to 12 years. Since this is a platform with continuous user connections, once it reaches a billion users the time to add a new solution and scale it to a billion users may shrink to 6 to 12 months.
Next Stage: Everybody RISE to Prosperity
Our biggest problem is we can't fix the world's big problems. They're too big for governments, corporations and international organizations.
The real value of innovation is to solve the big problems, and take humanity to a new stage. In Everybody RISE, everyone becomes digitally wealthy. It displays humanity's combined knowledge and abilities, turning them into a service that delivers personal ESG solutions that improve lives and the world.
We have many solutions, abilities and organizations. But what we don't do is flow them to each person so they can take their "next best step" at their option, all day long.
The war on poverty used to call this "economic development." It's a new way to take the economic pyramid and flip it. It's named the Great Rise,

The Coming Online-First world: A Personal Solutions Planet

By 2025 to 2030 we could each receive humanity's combined guidance, abilities and digital resources every minute. We will start a historic stage where we can all improve our lives all day, every day.
Continuous improvement by everyone will make Online-First Life and Business much more powerful than physical reality. We will live on an online-first planet, with personal global online super powers that never existed before.
The Covid-19 lockdown changed the world to Online-First. Within weeks work, life, school, shopping and entertainment were fully online. The three biggest lessons were:
- Giant advances can happen quickly
- Organizations and people are able to change overnight
- The corporate leaders and losers are decided by these changes.
The biggest competitive advantage was to see the online-first future coming, and develop those innovations and prepare. The rapid shift propelled new leaders to the top.
The 2020's will see the rise of the Satellite-Enabled Internet. When 7 billion people are connected, we will become an Online-First Planet:
- A Personal Solutions Economy will begin, and every person's life will improve faster than ever before.
- Companies that are not online-first will risk extinction.
- The leaders that deliver real-time solutions will add always-on connections that are personal and deep, and assist people all day long.
Huge digital transformations have become normal every decade. Those alive in 1980 were born in a physical-only world with only a physical reality. Then each decade transformed the world more:
- The 1980's added PC's (Personal Computers)
- The 1990's added the Internet and e-commerce
- The '00's added smart phones and grew giant platforms like Google, Facebook and Amazon
- The 2010's added mobility, social media and surveillance
- The 2020's will add personal solutions that flow to each person based on what they do each minute. Billions of people will improve their lives continuously, all day long.
Welcome to 2030. A people-first world will change how everyone lives and how the "system" works. Empowered people decide their goals, and a healthier, more prosperous and sustainable digital "system" serves each of them personally. Everyone can use solutions that transform their lives and the world more every day.
System Change Model: Users Rise to Control
How do we get from today's world to a world we want? This table shows how we can "change the system" by 2025, and scale an evolving system by 2030.
Each row is a large group in society or the economy.
Each column is that group's timeline for transformation: Today's pain points, new thinking, 2-3 year platform growth, and 5-10 year system change.
This produces new people-first leaders and winners across corporations, investors, NGO's, governments and people. This makes it clear how each "people-first system change" takes place.

The Expandiverse Vision: Start the ESG Personal Solutions Stage of History
Our problems are now too big for governments, corporations, international organizations and philanthropies. Yet we need to reach a new stage where the world solves its overwhelming problems, and prevents catastrophes and conflicts.
A new option is Everybody RISE's "system change" platform. This grows an ESG Personal Solutions Economy where everyone can help solve our biggest problems — and do it in years instead of generations.
Can we start reaching the goal of the the 21st Century by 2025, and scale it by 2030? Are we about to become a healthy, prosperous and sustainable planet that includes everyone.

What do First Movers and Fast Followers get?
Those who decide to lead a positive future today may become leaders for decades to come.