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Assembly Layers: Unleash Human Potential

Expandiverse Technology uses AI to uplift lives in the ways each person wants, helping solve the world's problems while strengthening our existing societies, values and goals

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Key Steps in Assembly Layers


Personal Goals: Align Your Digital Environment with Your Aspirations


Active Guide: See Real-Time Solutions that Empower Your Goals


"GO FAST" User Experience: Elevate, Accelerate and Transform Your Digital Progress


Results and Growth Tracking: Watch Your Progress and Amplify Your Engagement


Continuous Improvements Engine: Unleash New Advances in Our Human Potential

Turn AI's Disruption into Opportunities:
Align AI and Innovation with Today's Society and Values

Here's how Expandiverse Technology supports the continuity of our lives, societies and principles while harnessing today's revolutionary AI's to drive personal growth and positive world advances

By aggregating AI solutions in the Expandiverse AI Empowerment Architecture computing is reduced, personalized performance is raised, and everyone is elevated to the world's best known levels


Assembly Layers: Unleash Your Personal Goals

Maximize Your Ambitions

With Assembly Layers, choosing your personal and professional goals sets the stage for your achievements. This AI-driven platform adds a digital environment across your devices. It presents the world's best known solutions aligned with your objectives, delivering a digital alignment you control, so your digital world empowers your aspirations.

(Click image to see it full size)

Example Goals:

  • Health, Wellness
  • Sustainable Living
  • Economic Inclusion


Active Guide: Unleash the Solutions You Want and Need

Maximize Your Real-Time Impacts

Active Guide within Assembly Layers brings you real-time solutions that prioritize your goals, providing you with the "world's best solutions" across the devices you use. As you do things all day long, experience how this innovative technology enhances your life every minute, delivering a better world where everyone is unleashed to rise to their full potentials.

(Click image to see it full size)

Example Solutions:

  • Health, Wellness
  • Sustainable Living
  • Economic Inclusion


GO FAST UX: Unleash Your Experiences

Maximize Your Control over the Digital World

Our "GO FAST User Experience" amplifies personal power on the Assembly Layers platform. We simplify "FAST", making it easy to Find the best solutions, Act on the ones you like, and Save the best ones for Transformative re-uses. This revolutionizes how you direct and use the digital world, unleashing your abilities to reach your full potentials sooner and more efficiently.

(Click image to see it full size)

Example GO FAST Experiences:

  • Health, Wellness
  • Sustainable Living
  • Economic Inclusion


See Results: Unleash Your Visible Progress to Amplify Growth

Maximize Your Results to Boost Your Achievements

Assembly Layers fuels your growth by providing private progress tracking with actionable insights. This transparent approach boosts motivation and engagement, giving you a visible journey to continuous personal development with AI insights as you realize your limitless potential.

(Click image to see it full size)

Example Visible Results:

  • Health, Wellness
  • Sustainable Living
  • Economic Inclusion


Continuous Improvements with New Amplified Human Potentials

Maximize Your Opportunities with the Best Solutions

Assembly Layers harnesses the power of AI to automate the discovery and delivery of the world's best solutions, tailored to your goals and steps. This process of "continuous improvement discovery and delivery" ensures that you're always presented with the best possible solutions, amplifying your opportunities to "GO FAST" to reach your goals sooner and more directly.

(Click image to see it full size)

Example Discoveries of New and Better Solutions:

  • Health, Wellness
  • Sustainable Living
  • Economic Inclusion


Assembly Layers Unleash AI's Power to Produce Personal Success that Includes Everyone

From Henry Ford's Assembly Line to today's digital landscape, transformative technological advances have continually reshaped our world. Now, we stand on the precipice of a new era. Expandiverse Assembly Layers combine the principles of Ford's Assembly Lines with the power of our digital-first world, creating personalized AI-driven processes that will help billions reach their unique personal goals.

In this expansive digital universe, everyone is in control. Expandiverse Assembly Layers provide a platform for continuous engagement, allowing users to identify their goals, receive the world's best solutions across their devices, and take action in real-time. It reimagines the user experience, closing the gap between intent and results with its innovative "GO FAST" model (GO is Goals, and FAST is Find, Act, Save, Transform).

People everywhere can turn "GO FAST" by setting their GOals and taking control of their digital environment across their devices. As users see the best solutions that fit what they do, they Find the choices they like and Act to try them immediately, then Save the ones that work well for them. As they reuse their Saved solutions, they Transform their life by rising toward their Goals. This personal Assembly Line is really a personal Assembly Layer so everyone can see their personal progress at every step, gauge their results compared to their goals, and immediately see which solutions add the most value in their lives.

While this process is private for each person, the AI's smart enough to drive this process will learn the best solutions from its anonymous aggregated results. These are the AI's that will deliver the best solutions to everyone. Its participating companies gain the competitive advantages of knowing people's real goals, and which solutions work best, are saved and reused. With these insights vendors can update their products and services to the best choices, then deliver them through Assembly Layers and other digital channels that help people reach their goals.

This virtuous cycle produces a new "visible hand of the market". Its "continuous solution discoveries" teach AI's, people and participating vendors what people want, their current progress, and the remaining gaps. This new "hyper-collaboration" grows market shares of participating AI's and vendors. They produce what people really want for their lives and the world. This evolves capitalism into a positive force that switches from selling problems, to delivering the personal solutions everyone wants and the planet needs. Economics evolves to the rational market system it always proposed, where every person acts rationally, decides for themself, and chooses what they really want.

Business benefits from this new "Visible Hand of the Market"

Expandiverse Assembly Layers creates a People-First business system where AI drives the world people choose, and starts a new Personal Solutions Economy.

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By automating the discovery and delivery of new and better solutions to help everyone reach their goals, Expandiverse Assembly Layers foster a digital environment of continual market improvements that meet the goals people decide, uplifting their lives in the ways they want, while transforming the industries that serve them. This "visible hand of the market" kick-starts a Personal Solutions Economy, providing a blueprint for a sustainable, people-first world where technology serves people, not the other way around.

Assembly Layers facilitate the creation of a new "system", where everyone — even billions, every day — gains new abilities to shape their own reality, achieve the goals they choose, and contribute to history's first successful planet that includes everyone.

Open IP Case: Unlock New Opportunities for You to Add Patents at the U.S. Patent Office

Expandiverse Technology offers an unparalleled opportunity to consider transforming your AI-driven business with more Expandiverse patents from its Open Case at the U.S. Patent Office

(Click image to see if full size)

2,000+ Patent Citations

Cited More Than 99.9% of All U.S. Patents

The part of Expandiverse IP that relates to Assembly Layers and Active Guide already includes U.S. Patent 11,222,298, and U.S. Patent Application 17/535,307.

One-third of the 2,033 patent citations are by these 20 world-leading tech companies.

The Patent Filing's 11 Binders

The patent filing's 11 binders show the depth and breadth of Expandiverse Intellectual Property.

Don't miss this chance to harness this IP to acquire and build additional patents your AI will need.

(Click image to see its Table of Contents in a new tab)

Assembly Layers:
A Special Collection in the Expandiverse Technical Library

The owner of this IP can create a powerful patent portfolio in the most important parts of tomorrow’s AI delivery systems for our digital lives and economy.

See this Table of Contents for ways you could use this IP to build a patent portfolio that assists and protects your AI businesses.

(Click image to see it full size)

The 14-volume Expandiverse Technical Library

The Expandiverse Technical Library consists of 14 comprehensive volumes adapted from this Intellectual Property (patent) filing that is kept as an Open Case at the U.S. Patent Office, to file more patents. 

Assembly Layers Deliver AI's Future:
Expandiverse Technology, Human Potential Unleashed

This transformative process intertwines private personal development with AI, creating a dynamic ecosystem: AI helps produce personal successes, which anonymously teaches the AI what works best, so the AI can use those improvements to help everyone achieve more.

Humanity and AI evolve together, always delivering the world's best solutions. For the first time in history, become a successful planet that includes everyone.

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