Expandiverse IP is represented by Liquidax Capital for licensing, partnering or acquisition. Contact Liquidax here.

QUANTITATIVE AI: The expandiverse ai BUSINESS revolution

Your AI Business: Unleash Your Potential Revenues and Impacts

Exploit Expandiverse's Quantitative AI to amplify your AI business revenues, evolve customer relationships, and stay at the forefront of continuous AI improvements and evolution.

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Ignite AI's Quantitative Future: The People-Decided AI Solutions Economy

Enabling Direct, Personal AI Solutions for Global Prosperity
  • Transition from search and e-commerce to direct AI solutions.
  • Deliver real-time personal success for billions daily.
  • Develop 'live' supply chains, dynamically meeting individuals' needs.
  • Foster deep, direct, and satisfying customer-AI-vendor relationships.

    The Quantitative AI Personal Solutions Business

    Turn Your AI reliable and low-cost by adding Expandiverse Quantitative AI to unleash the human potential of billions every day

    Why a Quantitative AI Personal Solutions Business?

    Claim the new AI Age by using Expandiverse Quantitative AI to deliver trustworthy AI at low cost to billions daily, increasing your revenues, profits and AI leadership.

    (Opens in a new tab)

    Gateway to Lead the AI Revolution: Deliver Reliable and Profitable AI to Billions

    Kick-start AI's positive future with Expandiverse Quantitative AI that paves the path to everyone's personal success. Democratize billions of people's daily growth toward their personal goals in real-time, worldwide.

    (Opens in a new tab)

    Quantitative AI Metrics: Produce Value by Delivering AI-Driven Growth for All

    Convert Your Vision into Revenues and Profits with Expandiverse Quantitative AI Business


    Quantitative AI Business


    Active Guide Metrics: Unleash Personal Success for Billions: Empower Success Through AI-driven Personalization


    Assembly Layers Metrics: Harnessing the Full Potential of AI: Navigate Progress with AI-driven Efficiency and Effectiveness


    Innovation Metrics: Fill Gaps, Propel Growth through Insights: Embrace Opportunities for Personal and Global Success from AI Innovations


    Reporting and Management Metrics: Drive AI Management Excellence: Transform AI Operations with Quantitative Insights


    Innovation Patents and Strategic IP Metrics: Protect the Future,
    Safeguard AI's Future through Strategic IP Management


    Active Guide Metrics: Unleash Personal Success for Billions

    Empower Success Through AI-driven Personalization

    Experience the transformative potential of Active Guide Metrics that personalizes AI for everyone's unique needs.

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    Active Guide UI: Power Personal Experiences

    Active Guide interfaces provide personal AI assistance for maximized performance and productivity.

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    Funnel and Solutions: Everyone Can Be the Best

    The innovative funnel system and proven solutions list promotes individual excellence with real-time, low-cost delivery.


    Assembly Layers Metrics: Harnessing the Full Potential of AI

    Navigate Progress with AI-driven Efficiency and Effectiveness

    Discover the power of Assembly Layers Metrics to maximize AI capabilities for global personal impacts.

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    "GO FAST" Solutions Produce Key Metrics

    Through go fast (GOals, Find, Act, Save, Transform/Re-use), solution deliveries achieve personal speed, accuracy, and transformation of real-time solution deliveries that fit each person's goals, needs and actions.

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    Continuous Discovery Engine: Deliver the World's Best Solutions

    The Continuous Discovery Engine continually identifies and delivers the world's best solutions, driving global progress.


    Innovation Metrics: Fill Gaps, Propel Growth through Insights

    Embrace Opportunities for Personal and Global Success from AI Innovations

    Receive Gaps-Filling Innovation Metrics that unveil accelerated growth opportunities.

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    Quantitative AI Delivers Personal and Global Successes

    Experience how Quantitative AI interacts personally to fill gaps, fostering both individual and global successes.

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    AI Innovations: Boost Global Successes and Revenues

    AI-driven innovations prioritize and fill gaps, thereby propelling global improvements and capturing market share.


    Reporting and Management Metrics: Drive AI Management Excellence

    Transform AI Operations with Quantitative Insights

    Experience the power of Quantitative AI Reporting and Management Metrics in providing actionable insights.

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    Personal Dashboards Know the “Best World” for People and Participating Companies

    Personalized dashboards provide real-time tracking of personal goals and impacts, enabling informed decision-making.

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    Continuous Quantitative AI Improvements

    Through data-driven insights and learning from user interactions, AI solutions continuously improve, driving efficiency and growth.


    Innovation Patents and Strategic IP Metrics: Protect the Future

    Safeguard AI's Future through Strategic IP Management

    See how Quantitative AI's Innovation Patenting and Strategic IP Management Metrics protect and nurture innovation.

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    Strategic Patenting: Secure Innovations

    Strategic Patenting helps you identify strategic innovations, then file, and measure patents effectively, securing your innovation advantages.

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    From Patents to Strategic IP Management

    Strategic IP Management takes you beyond mere patenting, positioning you to secure the future of revenues and profits in the AI revolution.


    Quantitative AI Ushers in Humanity's Next Stage: People Decide the World's New "Visible Hand"

    The World's Evolution from Invisible to Visible: AI's Role in Empowering People to Shape the Future

    In 1776 Adam Smith introduced modern capitalism's "invisible hand of the market." Now Expandiverse Quantitative AI adds a "Visible Hand" that leads us to the future people decide, choose and act on. This next stage empowers Quantitative AI participants—your AI, people and companies—to drive Humanity's next stage of universal success.

    Impact 1: Improve Business
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    From the "Invisible Hand of the Market" to an inclusive "Visible Hand"

    Learn how traditional market forces evolve to a new paradigm, where Personal & Business Maturity Models are optimized by Quantitative AI for tangible, inclusive success.

    Impact 2: Improve Lives
    (Click image to see if full size)
    Flip the Pyramid without Attacking Elites or Revolutions

    With Quantitative AI, "Flipping the Pyramid" adds the revolutionary change that empowers everyone to succeed. This starts a planet where the ability to prosper is shared, not restricted.

    Impact 3: Improve Humanity
    (Click image to see if full size)
    Humanity's Journey to Our Unleashed Potentials

    Lead Humanity's Journey by leveraging Quantitative AI to unleash our full potential, heralding a new era of prosperity, achievement, and growth for all.

    Expandiverse Quantitative AI heralds a shift in how we understand and utilize AI: Not merely as a tool, but as an integral ally for billions to release their human potential. Guided by the precision of Quantitative AI Management, this fosters a world where AI is a trustworthy partner, where success is measured not by technological advances, but by the results AI produces for each person, company and our collective prosperity.

    No one has ever experienced a successful planet or known how to build one. But now, as never before, we have the abilities to create a successful planet that includes everyone. In this new era, everyone wields the power of AI to transform their life and the planet. Each of us can choose a life and world where prosperity, inclusivity, and sustainability are managed advances that turn successful lives from exceptions into the norm.

    Open IP Case: Unlock New Opportunities for You to Add Patents at the U.S. Patent Office

    Expandiverse Technology offers an unparalleled opportunity to consider transforming your AI-driven business with more Expandiverse patents from its Open Case at the U.S. Patent Office

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    2,000+ Patent Citations

    Cited More Than 99.9% of All U.S. Patents

    The part of Expandiverse IP that relates to Assembly Layers and Active Guide already includes U.S. Patent 11,222,298, and U.S. Patent Application 17/535,307.

    One-third of the 2,033 patent citations are by these 20 world-leading tech companies.

    The Patent Filing's 11 Binders

    The patent filing's 11 binders show the depth and breadth of Expandiverse Intellectual Property.

    Don't miss this chance to harness this IP to acquire and build additional patents your AI will need.

    Learn About Three Resources in This Website

    (Click Image to open in a new tab)

    Active Guide: Greatness for All

    Opens in a new tab. Volume 2 in the Expandiverse Technical Library. See the detailed Contents and Introduction. 

    (Click Image to open in a new tab)

    Assembly Layers: Universal Success for People and Planet

    Opens in a new tab. A Special Collection in the Expandiverse Technical Library. See the detailed Contents and Introduction.

    (Click Image to open in a new tab)

    Privacy and Protections

    Opens in a new tab. A Special Collection in the Expandiverse Technical Library. See the detailed Contents and Introduction.

    (Click image to see it full size)

    The 14-volume Expandiverse Technical Library

    The Expandiverse Technical Library consists of 14 comprehensive volumes adapted from this Intellectual Property (patent) filing that is kept as an Open Case at the U.S. Patent Office, to file more patents. 

    Unlock Your Potential with Expandiverse Quantitative AI

    Are you ready to redefine your future by harnessing the transformative power of AI? Embark on the journey with Expandiverse Quantitative AI. Let's together shape the world where billions will want prosperity, inclusivity, and sustainability to become their norm.

    Learn Expandiverse's New Strategic AI Advantages

    Stay ahead in the new AI-driven businesses with our latest insights. Subscribe and learn how Expandiverse's AI can give your AI the competitive advantage.

    Your information is private and never sold. Unsubscribe from any email.