Expandiverse IP: The race to own the future is here

An online-first planet is coming. Lead it, or tech's giant platforms will own you

(Version 1) Will Google, Facebook and Amazon own the future, or will you leap ahead of them?

(Version 2) When tech's leaders invent their new IP to own the future, they discover Expandiverse IP is ahead of them


1,628 patent citations of Expandiverse IP

1,400 pages, USPTO 31 technology categories

Only # out of each million patents...


What does the Expandiverse do? Acceleration Layers

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Everybody RISE

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Let's talk: Our 3-step process

Let's get to work right away. We can just talk, or we can use our 3-step process, which is free for executive decision-makers at leading companies, philanthropies and nonprofits.

You'll work personally with Dan Abelow, the inventor and Digital Architect. Each step takes one private zoom meeting (with a Mutual NDA)::

  1. What is your goal? Our first zoom asks what you want to achieve and when. If you could go big, what would you become? How fast would you want to reach that goal?
  2. Your Digital Acceleration Roadmap: Our second zoom gives you a draft roadmap for hurdling over the competition. How could you reach your goal, and how might you do that? Our ask is your direct feedback so we can develop a focused plan.
  3. Your Digital Acceleration Plan: Our third zoom gives you a plan that spells out how you might use digital acceleration to reach your goal. At no charge and in just 3 hours, you'll hold a custom plan to digitally accelerate to surpass tech's platforms. 

How would you share these unique resources to start discussions, and engage your colleagues in strategic planning?

To help implement your plan, the inventor will be available at no charge for follow-up discussions.



The real value of innovation

QUOTE Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida. Risus commodo viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.

Final chance to act while this is available: Start Now

In this above-the-fold section, your aim should be to communicate the main purpose and focus of your website as succinctly as possible.
